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HMYOI Cookham Wood is a key Custodial Establishment in the South East of England providing prison places for convicted young males.
It forms part of the Rochester Cluster of prisons comprising of HMP/YOI Rochester, HMYOI Cookham Wood and the adjoining Medway Secure Training Centre. The proposals at HMYOI Cookham Wood are as follows:
New 179 Cell Houseblock:
– To provide a new robust and secure 179 place cranked Houseblock located adjacent to the All Weather Football Pitch at the southern end of the site as indicated upon the enclosed models and drawings.
-Included in the 179 accommodation is one number fully DDA compliant Cell with en-suite shower room, to be built under wet room requirements. Access to the Houseblock will be DDA compliant.
New Education Building:
– To provide a new robust and secure two storey building located to the east of the site of the new accommodation block, with new anti-dash fencing around the unit.